Holy Moly
Through the lens of camp, this collection brings to life textile and apparel designs for a fictional cult society, The Holy Molies. The research for this collection stems from art and textiles of existing religions and cults, such as The Unarius Academy of Science, The Rajneesh, Heaven's Gate, Catholicism, and Hinduism. This exploration of other communes and their traditions formed the foundation for the structure of the Holy Molies’ hierarchical and occasion-based system of fashion. Designed for unisex casual wear (ages ranged 20s-30s), this collection highlights the comical and quirky symbolism of the Holy Molies. Flames, masks, snakes, and long blue gloves entangle themselves in psychedelic chaos in our eyes but form a language and worship to the Holy Molies.
The concept of The Holy Molies was born from the media's recently developing interest in true crime and cult themed documentaries. This trend is further flamed by Millenial and GenZ’s interest in communal living.The collection’s stylistic inspiration ranges from Hieronymus Bosch, to Indian miniature paintings of the 17th century, to Peter Max’s psychedelic poster designs. As a whole, this collection grows to be more than a fashionable and quirky assortment of textile designs, but rather one with a unique theme and intriguing story hidden within.